The Struggle of Choosing a Word for the Year
Choosing a word to direct one’s thoughts and actions during a new year is sometimes a struggle. It is meaningful because it gives direction, but it must be a word one wants to live with. It is January 31, 2022, and I am just now posing this blog.
A few years ago, my daughter encouraged each family member to choose a word for the year, and she even made ornaments to use as a reminder throughout the year. Last year, I selected the word, focus, and it was perfect for directing my thoughts for the months to come. After two years of isolation from Covid, a move to a new city, and the painful downsizing of our home, I needed to focus on the future.
I had to remind myself throughout the year to focus and re-focus. It is never easy to begin again.
The struggle for choosing a word to guide the new year has been challenging. I wrestled with many words in my vocabulary, only to discard them one by one.
When 2022 began, I was unsure what word would give me direction. As I sought an answer, the word, purpose, kept coming to mind. But, who really knows the purpose for being on this earth? I know the Holy Spirit directs our steps, but know my purpose? That was a different question.
The longer I pondered it, I dealt with “Why choose a word in the first place?”
Several sources on the internet suggested we select a word to clarify who we want to become and what we want to accomplish. To put it simply, “What is my Why?” What do I want to look back on at the end of this year?
The Bible says, “I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly.” That means that I should seek to live purposely for this season, and I need to set goals for my actions with my family, community, and church if I genuinely want abundant life.
I recently began volunteering with an organization that feeds the homeless. Susie Homemaker I am not, but I have a servant’s heart. I may not cut the perfect cake slices, but I can serve others. I can’t create recipes, but I can follow directions.
I challenge you to choose a word to direct your steps this year. Grab a dictionary or thesaurus, but mostly, just listen to the still small voice of your heart.
I don’t expect to know the full extent of God’s purpose for my life at the end of this year, but I cherish the opportunity to look back at where he led me for this season.
‘Whether you turn to the right or the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it.'” Isaiah 30:21