The Struggle to Choose a Word for the Year!

The Struggle of Choosing a Word for the Year

Choosing a word to direct one’s thoughts and actions during a new year is sometimes a struggle. It is meaningful because it gives direction, but it must be a word one wants to live with. It is January 31, 2022, and I am just now posing this blog.

A few years ago, my daughter encouraged each family member to choose a word for the year, and she even made ornaments to use as a reminder throughout the year. Last year, I selected the word, focus, and it was perfect for directing my thoughts for the months to come. After two years of isolation from Covid, a move to a new city, and the painful downsizing of our home, I needed to focus on the future.

I had to remind myself throughout the year to focus and re-focus. It is never easy to begin again.

The struggle for choosing a word to guide the new year has been challenging. I wrestled with many words in my vocabulary, only to discard them one by one.

When 2022 began, I was unsure what word would give me direction. As I sought an answer, the word, purpose, kept coming to mind. But, who really knows the purpose for being on this earth? I know the Holy Spirit directs our steps, but know my purpose? That was a different question.

The longer I pondered it, I dealt with “Why choose a word in the first place?”

Several sources on the internet suggested we select a word to clarify who we want to become and what we want to accomplish. To put it simply, “What is my Why?” What do I want to look back on at the end of this year?

The Bible says, “I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly.” That means that I should seek to live purposely for this season, and I need to set goals for my actions with my family, community, and church if I genuinely want abundant life.

I recently began volunteering with an organization that feeds the homeless. Susie Homemaker I am not, but I have a servant’s heart. I may not cut the perfect cake slices, but I can serve others. I can’t create recipes, but I can follow directions.

I challenge you to choose a word to direct your steps this year. Grab a dictionary or thesaurus, but mostly, just listen to the still small voice of your heart.

I don’t expect to know the full extent of God’s purpose for my life at the end of this year, but I cherish the opportunity to look back at where he led me for this season.

Whether you turn to the right or the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it.'” Isaiah 30:21

Lessons from God Found on My Desktop Computer

As I began the new year, I learned several “God” lessons from my desktop computer. I struggled with procrastination as I decided what to write to start the year. Then, my computer shut down, and I unplugged it, jiggled the cords, and pressed buttons to no avail. In fact, I did that several times.

Finally, a message popped up. “You need to restart your computer.”

What did it think I had been doing, for crying out loud! There’s a lot of stuff on there that I can not lose.

As my frustration grew, a new message appeared, telling me to wait for updates. It updated and updated again.

As I waited, I began to see a correlation between the computer and my own life.

The house was silent after the children returned to their homes after Christmas, and it was easy to drift into a lazy routine. I had made a lot of promises to myself and to God:

  • Be regular in Bible study and prayer.
  •  Choose a word for the year.
  • Work on a book I am writing
  • Finish some online courses

Those were all good things; it was easier to just drift along. After all, Christmas had just ended, and the new year had hardly started. I needed to reboot and get started. I needed to put into action all the ideas which rolled around in my head and heart when our move to a new home took precedence over everything else.

I needed to update my attitude. Isn’t it wonderful that God gives us a new day, a new year, and new chances to begin again? He asks nothing more that we greet each new day and accept its challenges with confidence in him.

I realized I must save what is essential:

  • Relationships – I am not good at forgetting, even when I forgive.
  • Memories – I am not promised to always have the ability to remember, so I must relish those I have now and review them often.
  • Time – I must make the best use of the time God has allowed me. No one knows when he will live his last day, and I need to make the most of each hour.

As the days of the new year rush by, I challenge you to join me in rebooting, updating, and saving what’s genuinely important in our everyday lives. It will be worth the effort,  for He promises He has a plan for each of us, and we don’t want to miss out on what is in store.

This is the day that the Lord has made; we will

rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 228:24

Mastering the Art of Transition

Transition is an art. Unfortunately, I have not mastered it yet, and I am definitely under construction. I don’t have the answers, but I am blessed to know the One who does.

In early June 2021, my husband and I rather suddenly decided to move to a retirement community in a new town. We sorted through our belongings from fifty years of marriage, down-sized, sold our house, and moved, all in five weeks.

I was going to settle in, write my blog, and wait patiently for the remodeling of our home while living in a one-bedroom apartment. All I did was wait (and not patiently). I have written nothing in six months, and I am behind in answering two hundred comments. Please allow me to apologize to those who have been gracious enough to leave those comments.

My intentions from this point are to write and to take time to respond regularly, to take time to meet new friends and cherish the old, and to live each day with gratitude for the blessings I have received.

Each of us will encounter times of transition. You may be a young person looking to your future. You may be newly married, a harried parent, or an empty nester. You may be in the sandwich generation with needy children and/or parents squeezing your life. You may be a senior citizen wondering just what “the golden years” are.

Whatever you are facing, I can assure you that If you know Him, God is walking before you and will never leave or forsake you. He has your name written on the palm of His hand, and He has a plan for each step you make,  even when you cannot see where it leads. He is waiting patiently to guide you through your current season, and the wonderful truth is He is only a prayer away.

Life has unexpected turns, and I have to admit this transition has seemed more difficult in our golden years. However, I have no regrets,  and I am eagerly waiting to see what God has planned for us in this new season. I hope you will continue the journey with us.

There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the