Train up a Child

My freshman English class was unusually loud as I entered the classroom. I asked what was going on and several students spoke at once. A class favorite had gotten in trouble at home after not calling before going out to eat after a ballgame. His mother had grounded him for what his classmates thought was forever and a day.

 After much discussion, one student finally said, “Is she crazy or what? He’s the best kid in the school.”

Wow! What a compliment from a peer group. It was true. He was a long-distance runner, a member of the student council, a football player, a hard-working student, a debater, and an all-round good kid.

I thought for a moment and then replied, “Maybe the reason he’s the best kid in the school is that has a mother that cares so much.”

The grounding eventually ended. The young man matured even more and never lost his popularity with his fellow students.  We spent a lot of time together in class, student council, and three years of debate, which made me appreciate him even more. He was a particular favorite of mine. Time passes, and it has been a long time since we spoke in person, but he left footprints on my heart.

Today he is an executive for a food store chain, and I am sure he continues to be one of the best men in his current peer group.

Discipline is never fun; however, I am convinced that this young man grew in wisdom and in stature because of caring parents who supported him but held on to their own expectations.

In fact, in today’s out-of-control world, we probably need far more “crazy” moms and dads who care enough to instill responsibility, courtesy, and respect in their children.

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will

not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6