Jesus is the Promise: Hallelujah What a Savior!

Hallelujah! What a Savior! Several years ago, I watched a production of The Promise in Granbury, Texas. The Crucifixion scene was dark and gruesome. The stage went dark, and a man in the audience shouted, “Oh, but then came Sunday.” He knew the rest of the story.

Of course, the play did not end in the dark. The lights came on, the tomb was empty, and joy overflowed. That is the Promise!  

Jesus is not a dead prophet buried in some obscure place. He is a living Savior who will come again and redeem His people!

This is the Christian hope. Three of the people I cherished the most died during the Easter season. My sweet uncle who raised me died the morning after he sang in the Easter choir. My tiny grandmother died the Wednesday before Easter after battling cancer, and my mother passed away the Monday before Easter. What joy to realize we are not separated forever because Jesus has promised those who believe a place in heaven.

I can only imagine the rejoicing in heaven when Jesus rose from the grave and left the empty tomb. The Bible says the angels rejoice when a sinner is saved. How much more when a King is returned to his rightful place!

As you celebrate this Easter, I hope you will realize it is more than a school holiday or a meal with family. I think Jesus smiles at small children hunting eggs and laughing and playing, but I know He rejoices when we make a renewed commitment to live for Him.

A dear friend had three crosses erected on her property and fulfilled a dream of having a sunrise service there with friends and family. Not everyone has access to a place like this. My hope for those who read this is that no matter where you are this Easter, the sunrise will come to your heart, and you will celebrate a living Savior.

The tomb was empty! Sunday came indeed!

“He is not here; He has risen as He said. Come and see the place where he lay.”                                     

Matthew 28:6   NIV